92 research outputs found

    Plastic ingestion by Arctic fauna: A review

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    peer reviewedThe distribution of marine plastic litter is unequal around the world, some areas being more polluted. Given that the Arctic is not a highly populated area, very low levels of plastics are expected. However, the Arctic is not significantly less polluted than populated areas further south. Plastic has already been found in most compartments of the Arctic Ocean and climate change will likely exacerbate that issue due to sea ice melting and increasing maritime activities. The Arctic fauna is, and will be, increasingly exposed to the plastic pollution threat in the coming years and decades. The objective of this review is providing a summary of existing data, as well as perspectives and important knowledge gaps regarding plastic ingestion by Arctic fauna. Among other knowledge gaps, we highlighted the need for a species for biomonitoring of plastic pollution in the Arctic, i.e. the northern fulmar and/or the polar cod, for more data in fauna from the Russian and European Arctic and for experimental studies on impacts of plastic ingestion on Arctic species

    Magnetic resonance imaging for non-invasive measurement of plastic ingestion in marine wildlife

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    Monitoring plastic ingestion by marine wildlife is important for both characterizing the extent of plastic pollution in the environment and understanding its effect on species and ecosystems. Current methods to detect plastic in the digestive system of animals are slow and invasive, such that the number of animals that can be screened is limited. In this article, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is investigated as a possible technology to perform rapid, non-invasive detection of plastic ingestion. Standard MRI methods were able to directly measure one type of plastic in a fulmar stomach and another type was able to be indirectly detected. In addition to MRI, other standard nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements were made. Different types of plastic were tested, and distinctive NMR signal characteristics were found in common for each type, allowing them to be distin- guished from one another. The NMR results indicate specialized MRI sequences could be used to directly image several types of plastic. Although current commercial MRI technology is not suitable for field use, existing single- sided MRI research systems could be adapted for use outside the laboratory and become an important tool for future monitoring of wild animals

    Anthropogenic microlitter in wastewater and marine samples from Ny-Ã…lesund, Barentsburg and Signehamna, Svalbard

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    Plastic pollution is recognized as a serious threat to the marine environment by the UN, the EU through the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Arctic council, the Nordic council, and national governments worldwide. Marine litter may reach the Arctic with ocean currents from global and regional sources, but may also originate from local emissions related to shipping and fishing activities, runoff from land based industries, dumping sites and wastewater outlets. Wastewater outlets are identified as important sources of microplastics to the marine environment in temperate areas but have received less attention in the Arctic. Wastewater treatment is generally lacking in the Arctic, and in smaller settlements, handling of wastewater (including sewage water) and garbage is comparable to conditions observed in developing countries. In Svalbard, wastewater treatment is absent aside from a small treatment plant in Hornsund and the recently installed treatment plant in Ny-Ålesund. The aim of this investigation was to quantify and characterize anthropogenic microparticles (AMPs: particles <5 mm of manmade or modified materials, e.g. plastics, paints, rubber and textile fibers) in wastewater from the recently installed treatment plant in Ny-Ålesund (Kongsfjorden), in the marine environment close to the Russian settlement Barentsburg (Grønnfjorden), and in Signehamna (Krossfjorden) far from permanent land-based human impact. Samples of seawater, marine sediments and beach sediments were collected and analyzed for AMPs using optical and spectroscopic techniques. AMPs were found at all sites and in all matrices investigated in this study. AMPs identified in wastewater and seawater were dominated by fibres (both non-synthetic and synthetic) while AMPs identified in sediment samples were dominated by fragments. Higher concentrations of AMPs and higher polymeric diversity was observed closer to human activities; in sediments close to Ny-Ålesund wastewater outlet and in seawater close to both Barentsburg and Ny-Ålesund, as compared to the remote site at Signehamna. Based on this investigation, as much as 99 % of the incoming AMPs may be retained by the wastewater treatment plant in Ny-Ålesund. It is thus clear that installation of appropriate wastewater treatment systems can substantially reduce the release of anthropogenic microlitter and potential associated contaminants to the marine environment. However, this investigation is based on a limited number of samples and a comprehensive investigation should be conducted to determine the true efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant in Ny-Ålesund, covering both temporal and spatial variation. The present report should be used as a first step towards resolving the issue of lacking wastewater treatment in Svalbard and in the Arctic as a whole

    Implications of Regurgitative Feeding on Plastic Loads in Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis): A Study from Svalbard

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    Procellariiform seabirds like northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) are prone to ingest and accumulate floating plastic pieces. In the North Sea region, there is a long tradition to use beached fulmars as biomonitors for marine plastic pollution. Monitoring data revealed consistently lower plastic burdens in adult fulmars compared to younger age classes. Those findings were hypothesized to partly result from parental transfer of plastic to chicks. However, no prior study has examined this mechanism in fulmars by comparing plastic burdens in fledglings and older fulmars shortly after the chick-rearing period. Therefore, we investigated plastic ingestion in 39 fulmars from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard), including 21 fledglings and 18 older fulmars (adults/older immatures). We found that fledglings (50–60 days old) had significantly more plastic than older fulmars. While plastic was found in all fledglings, two older fulmars contained no and several older individuals barely any plastic. These findings supported that fulmar chicks from Svalbard get fed high quantities of plastic by their parents. Adverse effects of plastic on fulmars were indicated by one fragment that perforated the stomach and possibly one thread perforating the intestine. Negative correlations between plastic mass and body fat in fledglings and older fulmars were not significant

    Microlitter in Arctic marine benthic food chains and potential effects on sediment dwelling fauna

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    This report provides both field and impact data on microlitter pollution in the arctic marine environment of Svalbard and Greenland. Microlitter concentrations and characteristics were determined in marine sediments and biota in relation to local sources. Higher concentrations and diversities were found closer to human settlements and sites where lost/dumped fishing gear accumulated. Thus, local microlitter sources were found to be present in the Arctic. The experimental studies on effects of microlitter on feeding rate, microplastic ingestion, respiration and locomotion activity in an arctic amphipod, confirmed previous studies showing effects only at very high concentrations, not yet relevant in the arctic environment. The relatively low field concentrations of microlitter found in this study should be regarded as a ‘window of opportunity’ to act to at least reduce local pollution

    First documentation of plastic ingestion in the arctic glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)

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    Arctic wildlife is facing multiple stressors, including increasing plastic pollution. Seabirds are intrinsic to marine ecosystems, but most seabird populations are declining. We lack knowledge on plastic ingestion in many arctic seabird species, and there is an urgent need for more information to enable risk assessment and monitoring. Our study aimed to investigate the occurrence of plastics in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) breeding on Svalbard. The glaucous gull is a sentinel species for the health of the arctic marine ecosystem, but there have been no studies investigating plastic occurrence in this species since 1994. As a surface feeder and generalist living in an area with high human activity on Svalbard, we expected to find plastic in its stomach. We investigated for plastic >1 mm and documented plastic ingestion for the first time in glaucous gulls, with a frequency of occurrence of 14.3% (n = 21). The plastics were all identified as user plastics and consisted of polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). Our study provides new quantitative and qualitative data on plastic burden and polymer type reported in a standardized manner establishing a reference point for future research and monitoring of arctic gulls on national and international levels. </p

    Plastic ingestion and associated additives in Faroe Islands chicks of the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis

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    peer reviewedNorthern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) are a pelagic seabird species distributed at northern and polar latitudes. They are often used as an indicator of plastic pollution in the North Sea region, but data are lacking from higher latitudes, especially when it comes to chicks. Here, we investigated amounts of ingested plastic and their characteristics in fulmar chicks from the Faroe Islands. Plastic particles (≥1 ​mm) in chicks of two age classes were searched using a digestion method with KOH. In addition, to evaluate if additive tissue burden reflects plastic ingestion, we measured liver tissue concentrations of two pollutant classes associated with plastic materials: polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and several dechloranes, using gas chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry. The most common shape was hard fragment (81%) and the most common polymer was polyethylene (73%). Plastic contamination did not differ between either age class, and we found no correlation between neither the amount and mass of plastic particles and the concentration of additives. After comparison with previous studies on adult fulmars, we do not recommend using chicks for biomonitoring adults because chicks seem to ingest more plastics than adults

    Neustonic microplastic and zooplankton in the North Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Neustonic microplastic and zooplankton abundance was determined in the North Western Mediterranean Sea during a summer cruise between July 9th and August 6th 2010, with a break between July 22th and 25th due to a strong wind event. Ninety percent of the 40 stations contained microplastic particles (size 0.3-5 mm) of various compositions: e.g., filaments, polystyrene, thin plastic films. An average concentration of 0.116 particles/m² was observed. The highest abundances (> 0.36 particles/m²) were observed in the shelf stations. The neustonic plastic particles concentrations were 5 times higher before than after the strong wind event which increased the mixing and the vertical repartition of plastic particles in the upper layers of the water column. The values rise in the same order of magnitude than in the North Pacific Gyre. The average ratio between microplastics and mesozooplankton weights was 0.5 for the whole survey and might induce a potential confusion for zooplankton feeders.Peer reviewe

    Approche écologique du neuston en baie de Calvi

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    Le neuston, à l’inverse du plancton sous-jacent, est un milieu peu connu. Son importance écologique est pourtant réelle : il constitue d’une part une zone d’accumulation de bactéries, de molécules organiques (lipides, protéines mais aussi plastiques et polluants organiques), de débris terrestres et d’autre part, il est le lieu d’échange des gaz air-océan. Il subit les conditions météorologiques de plein fouet (précipitations, vent, lumière) tout comme les organismes qui y vivent. La diversité neustonique est importante : une trentaine d’espèces de copépodes ont été déterminées et tous les groupes marins planctoniques en baie de Calvi se retrouvent dans le neuston. Parmi les organismes retrouvés en surface, certains sont spécifiques du neuston. C’est le cas des copépodes de la famille des Pontellidae qui sont dominés par des juvéniles. L’abondance neustonique de la plupart des groupes rencontrés varie de manière saisonnière et journalière. L’hiver est très différent de l’été en termes de diversité tandis que le biovolume ne présente pas de variabilité saisonnière marquante. Les Pontellidae, les copépodes du genre Temora, les cladocères, l’ichtyoplancton sont des groupes estivaux tandis que les copépodes du genre Candacia et les isopodes sont hivernaux. La variation à court terme s’explique généralement par la variation de la direction du vent. Lorsqu’il amène des eaux du large, les copépodes (dont les Pontellidae) sont plus abondants, ainsi que les œufs de poisson entre autres. La turbulence, les précipitations et la concentration en chlorophylle a semblent avoir moins d’importance. Une comparaison entre le neuston et le plancton révèle que les Pontellidae sont 200 fois plus abondants dans le neuston. Les copépodes en général, les siphonophores, l’ichtyoplancton semblent y être plus nombreux. A contrario, certains groupes sont plus abondants dans le plancton sous-jacent que dans le neuston (cladocères, mollusques, …). Parmi les débris associés au neuston, on trouve des (micro)plastiques. On comptabilise en moyenne 7,2 fragments sur 100 m² avec un maximum de 78,8 fragments par 100 m². Généralement ils ont la taille du microplancton ou du mésoplancton et sont de couleurs différentes. Leur concentration est influencée par la direction du vent et non par la turbulence. Un vent de nord-nord-est ou d’est-nord-est apporte des plastiques dans la baie. Le neuston est un milieu complexe car beaucoup de paramètres influencent sa dynamique et son écologie. Il est différent du plancton à certains égards, c’est un écosystème à part entière. En baie de Calvi, le vent a une grande importance sur l’abondance des espèces neustoniques ainsi que sur la concentration en débris
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